Water Technology – Do Cacti Have the Answers?

Posted by: On June 22, 2018 11:27 am

What’s the newest advancements in water technology? Can we talk about cacti for a moment?  Those iconic, prickly stalwarts of countless movies and cartoons depicting dry, airless deserts are amazing things and we don’t use the word lightly.  Like any other living thing, cacti need water to live.  As they usually live in parched, arid conditions, cacti have developed incredible systems in order to survive.

Water technology advancements
Who’s a clever cacti?

Water Carefully…

Those prickles are actually leaves, modified to prevent roaming animals from eating the plant, but also to conserve water.  Their roots are shallow but spread widely, in order to grab as much rainfall as they can, given the opportunity.  Some varieties of cacti can soak up 200 gallons of …

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