The Great Niagara Falls


  One of the Greatest Waterfalls in the World



Niagara falls     Waterfall n.  A cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice or steep incline


Waterfalls are fascinating wonders of nature to behold.  They are beautiful, mesmerizing, and powerful.   


There are thousands of falls across the world and trying to decide which waterfall the greatest is, is like determining the most beautiful mountain.  Beauty, as with art and many other things, is subjective and involves many factors.  

So we’ll begin with the falls closest to home and surely one of the greatest, Niagara Falls.


Niagara Falls


The word Niagara is taken from the Iroquois Indian word Onguiaahra meaning, “the strait.” Now how they got Niagara out of that word is beyond my comprehension.


The one hundred and eighty-foot tall Niagara Falls is located between two cities in two different countries.  On one side of the Falls is Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, on the other side in the USA is Niagara Falls, New York.


Niagara Falls is actually a combination of three converging waterfalls, the American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls and the Canadian Falls also known as “Horseshoe”.  New York is home to the American and Bridal while Horseshoe Falls lies on the Canadian side.



Horseshoe Falls

     Horseshoe Falls


American Falls                                                                               Bridal-veil-falls

  American Falls                                                                   Bridal Veil Falls



 Where the water comes from

 Four of the five Great Lakes drain into the Niagara River before emptying into Lake Ontario.  They are Lake Superior, Lake Erie, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.


Combined, these Great Lakes comprise nearly one-fifth of the world’s fresh water supply.


Water Flow

Every second of every day, 3,160 tons of water flow over Niagara Falls.  This accounts for 75, 750 gallons of water per second flowing over the American and Bridal Veil Falls with 681, 750 gallons per second cascading over Horseshoe Falls.


That water is not just slowly oozing over the top either.  The water falls at a speed of 32 feet per second and hits with 280 tons of force at the American and Bridal Falls and 2, 509 tons of force at the Horseshoe Falls.


The Niagara Falls are capable of producing over 4 million kilowatts of electricity for the US and Canada.


Interesting Facts


Due to the tremendous volume of water that constantly flows over the Falls, it doesn’t freeze even in the coldest weather. 


The mist or spray created by the ever falling water, allow for ice formations along the banks and at the base of the Falls in winter that result in mounds of ice that can be an astounding 50 feet thick.  


This thick ice was known as the ice bridge that people at one time were allowed to walk out on and observe the Falls up close.  They stopped that crazy tour in 1912.


While Niagara Falls has never officially frozen over, the water did at one time slow to a trickle in 1848 due to an ice-jam up river.  The water slowed so much that people were actually able to walk out onto the riverbed and collect artifacts.  No thanks.


There is a lot of water in this world; it covers nearly 70% of our planet.  However, less than one percent of it is fresh water and of that meager percentage, even less is drinkable. 


To ensure the water you and your family are drinking is some of the freshest and purest on the planet, please look into an ionized alkaline water purifier for your home or business.


At Tyent USA, pure water is what we do best.


To learn more about the wonderful benefits of drinking Tyent Water, please follow this link.



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