What Are the 7 Types of Poop?

Posted by: On June 26, 2020 12:00 pm

We’re aware of some of the visual signs of how we’re doing, health-wise: our skin, eyes, tongue and fingernails are often barometers of wellbeing that we can see and assess, albeit with a layman’s eye.

But what about our poop? Measured according to the Bristol Stool Scale, our poop tells us how our digestive system is doing, whether we’re properly hydrated, and all manner of other things.

So, what is your poop trying to tell you?


7 Types of Poop and What They Mean


1. Pellets

If your poop takes the form of small, separate pellets, then drink more water – it’s a sign of dehydration.

2. Solid, sausage shape but with lumps

Another sign of being dehydrated, and possibly lacking in essential …

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